Gallery of New Release’s

The 1% ADA 25 Campaign

As part of its tireless effort to share and expand the stories of people with disabilities across the United States and the world, It’s Our Story aims to publish 1,000 minutes of some of its most memorable footage on July 26, 2015 — the 25th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act.

That’s just 1% of the archive’s staggering 100,000 minutes of intimate conversations about disability life.

A mere taste of the robust offerings of the It’s Our Story archive, The 1% Campaign will feature 300 expertly crafted video vignettes, each highlighting active, positive, and powerful personalities within the disability community.

To accomplish this remarkable multimedia, multicultural, and multi-pronged exploration of personal disability-themed stories—including a 12-theme peek into the never-before-seen It’s Our Story archive—your financial support will prove essential. If you believe, as we do, in the power and potential of curated stories from more than 1,300 unforgettable voices that have too long gone unheard, please consider helping us reach our $80,000 goal.

Your support will ensure It’s Our Story can meet the in-house production demands of this expansive archive and deliver its stories in methods digestible by all visitors, regardless of age, technological savvy, or disability.

Storytelling Topics Found in It’s Our Story:
  • Family and Friends
  • Employment and Investment
  • Medical and Social Attitudes
  • Education and Transitions
  • Advocacy and Political Strategies
  • Aging and Recovery
  • Justice and Equality
  • Access and Transportation
  • Relationships and Sexuality
  • Disability Characteristics
  • Arts and Culture
  • Lessons to Pay Forward


We Plus You

To accomplish this feat for
progress, It’s Our Story must
raise $80,000.00 to produce
a 12 theme peek into the
IOS archives

The result can inspire
institutional funders that an
investment is necessary
to publish the entire IOS
collection of insights.

If you believe as we do in
the power of people to
make the world better

Please consider making an
investment in humanity
through this link
